Let me first introduce you about myself, My name is Syed Murtaza Hassan Zaidi and I'm an Associate  mechanical engineer, From this blog I am starting to show you my research and writing skills and all of my blogs contain on my research.
After that there will be as many blogs to be published on technology information. So, this is my introduction. Let's start, Because our subject is technology, it will be related to that.


We all know how fast the world is developing today. Every day we see new technologies, the latest smartphones, computers, cars etc. 
But can anyone tell me what is the basis of all these inventions? We all know who invented the telephone, who invented the radio, but can anyone tell who invented the electricity? Now you will read this and search on any internet engine, but you don't know. That's all I know.
So today we are talking about Benjamin Franklin.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?

A brief introduction about Benjamin Franklin is that you are one of the founding leaders of the United States and have been the sixth president of Pennsylvania. 
He were born on 17 January 1706 at Boston and Died in 17 April 1790 in the age of 80.
So let's talk about Benjamin Franklin's scientific inventions
His greatest invention is to preserve the electrical power that people of that time considered dangerous and chaste.
Benjamin began his discovery of electricity in 1746  when Archibald Spencer, a scientist in his lecture, suggested using static electricity to create light. He were the first to discover the principal of charge of conservation in 1748 and Built a multi-plate pocketsetter, in which he placed eleven pans of glass sandwiches between the seed plates and attached them to the strings tied with silk cords to make an "electric battery."
In the year 1749, he did many experiments to get more electricity in which he faced many difficulties. In the light of these experiments, Benjamin decided to give a practical demonstration and had a dinner party in which a turkey was struck by an electric shock. He had to be killed and roasted on an electrical split.
One of Benjamin Franklin's achievements is to propose to generate electricity from kite
In the light of this suggestion, on 10 May 1752 Thomas Francois, a French scientist, created sparks in the clouds with the help of an 40-feet-long iron rod.
On 15 June 1752, Benjamin Franklin created a spark from the clouds in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with a hands-on experience. 

It was mentioned in the Pennsylvania Gazette on 15 October 1752, but Benjamin did not mentioned his name in it.
In his writings, Benjamin openly stated that he knew electricity and its potential dangers very well, and after that in the light of his experiments he invented the electric rod, which could be used to protect buildings from electricity. They were later used these electric rods by Benjamin to rebuild his home, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Pennsylvania State House.
Benjamin was awarded the Copley Medal by the Royal Society in 1876 for his discovery of electricity, and in 1756 he became one of the first 18th-century Americans to be elected a Fellow of the Society and from Harvard and Yale Universities Honorary
Besides receiving degrees, the charge of the electric unit was also named after Benjamin
An accidental fire at Harvard University destroyed Franklin's original discovery specimens, which were later reassembled.
Franklin briefly examined electrotherapy, including the use of electric baths. This work made the field widely known.

So let us say here that if today the world is making strides in technology, then its main victory goes only to Benjamin Franklin.

So this is a brief introduction about Benjamin Franklin. I know very well that there are a lot of information that we couldn't write because Mr. Benjamin Franklin has a lot of work information, so we will not able to publish it in a single blog. We will try our best to share the Complete information of Mr. Franklin's in future blogs.
Written By Syed Murtaza Hassan